West Coast Locksmith Blog

Property Management Key Control Tips from West Coast Locksmith

by | Dec 8, 2023 | Commercial, Info Articles, Locksmith Tips

For property managers overseeing everything from single-family rentals to large apartment complexes, maintaining strict access control is crucial for security. That means implementing robust strategies for tracking, storing, and managing the keys in your possession. At West Coast Locksmith, we partner with property management firms throughout the Los Angeles, San Diego, and San Francisco regions to optimize their key and lock management protocols. Follow our professional guidance for maximizing residential property security.

Track and Audit All Keys & Locks

The foundation of proper key control for rented properties is meticulously tracking every single key copied and distributed without exception. For each property under management, we recommend the following records be kept:

  • A master list of the type (front door, laundry room, etc…) and number of keys each rental unit should have.
  • Signed tenant acknowledgment forms documenting when keys were issued and returned.
  • Date and reason for any additional key copies made.
  • Date and reason for lock rekeying and creation of new keys.

Conducting periodic routine physical key audits comparing records to actual keys in possession ensures all documentation fully aligns with actual key counts, preventing any potential losses from going undetected. It also prompts quickly replacing compromised lock sets as soon as tenant keys are reported missing before new copies can be made.

Invest in Secure Key Storage

key cabinet

If you manage a small number of properties a small, lockable key cabinet is an inexpensive investment that will result in improved security.

We highly recommend you invest in some sort of lockable metal key cabinets to organize copies by property and unit number. If you manage a small number of units all you may need is a small locking cabinet with a dozen hooks inside.

If you run a large apartment complex you may want to look into key cabinets with digital keypad access that can be integrated with your property management software to keep track of who accesses the key cabinet, when they access it, and which keys were removed/replaced.

Rekey Locks For Every New Tenant

Rekeying locks when tenants vacate revokes old keys. Rekeying is significantly more affordable than changing or installing new locks. West Coast Locksmith utilizes advanced lock rekeying methods to customize pin configurations, issuing new keys residents can trust are solely for them. We can rekey an entire apartment building quickly between occupant turnover.

Replace Worn Locks Before They Fail

While rekeying saves funds, locks that are over a decade old will most likely require replacement. Consult West Coast Locksmith if locks become sticky, are hard to turn, if the key can’t be fully inserted into the lock, or the key has broken off in the lock cylinder. Our Los Angeles locksmith teams complete the removal and installation of new lock sets, reinforcing security and reliability.

Employ Electronic Access Control

Large residential complexes can benefit greatly from electronic access control solutions with options like keypad entry devices and key fob readers tied to centralized software. West Coast Locksmith helps integrate programmable credentials, entry logs, and remote features, which are ideal for property managers overseeing numerous units.

Trust West Coast Locksmith as Your Key Management Partner

By leveraging our comprehensive residential locksmith expertise, property managers maximize control over property access points. We rekey and replace worn locks while advising on electronic access systems that allow unprecedented command of your rental properties. /contact-us/ to optimize key and lock management protocols across all your properties.

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